Field Surveys


Bat Surveys & Roost Assessments

For your bat surveys, we can start with the roost assessment (PRA) or jump straight in to lead your emergence, re-entry or activity surveys with our full spectrum bat detectors. All surveys are conducted in line with Good Practice Guidelines for professional ecologists as outlined by the Bat Conservation Trust.


Amphibian Surveys

From newts to frogs to toads, all our amphibian surveys are inline with best practices and we have all the required equipment and PPE to assist you with your surveys.


Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (PEA)

The starting point for biodiversity assessments for a site. We have experience conducting PEA’s on a wide variety of habitats and buildings using both phase 1 habitat mapping and UKHab.



We can assist you with a wide variety of writing tasks and reports to best support your projects and planning applications. From background desk studies to completed drafts, we’ve got you covered.


Reptile Surveys

We ensure that all our reptile surveys and translocations are conducted across a wide variety of times and temperatures according to the professional guidelines to collect the most robust data possible to support getting your planning applications.


Badger Sett Monitoring

Following the recommendations by The Mammal Society we monitor your badger setts via 3 methodologies to confirm presence/absence of badgers on your site. Alongside an initial survey for signs of badgers we use camera traps, sticky sticks & sand for paw prints.

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